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Dry Dead Trees

Breaking-the-Circuit is a conversation and exploration of the world around us and how we might respond best to the shifts and changes we are experiencing together.

BtC Blog

A dystopian future where people are materialistic and greedy.jpg

BtC Blog is an observation of the moments we live in through a systems lens. From personal to philosophical, it will explore our challenges and possible solutions, drawing on our continued learning and growth.

BtC Podcast

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BtC Podcast is a conversation and personal sharing of experiences, stories, and ideas with others, offering new understandings of our collective challenges and possible approaches to respond to them.

BtC Workshops

Image by Jason Goodman

BtC Workshops are designed to help inspire new awareness and thinking among the public community, opening new dialogue around our shared challenges and sense of meaning in the world today.

Hiking Trail
Image by Mark Basarab

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